Homemade dish Flounder with mushrooms

Homemade Dish: Flounder with Mushrooms

Homemade Dish: Flounder with Mushrooms

Flounder with mushrooms is a delicious and healthy dish that you can easily prepare at home. It combines the delicate flavor of flounder fish with the earthy and savory taste of mushrooms, creating a delightful culinary experience. Here's a simple recipe to help you make this mouthwatering dish:


  • 2 flounder fillets
  • 200g mushrooms (sliced)
  • 1 onion (finely chopped)
  • 2 cloves of garlic (minced)
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1/2 cup of white wine
  • 1/2 cup of chicken broth
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh parsley (chopped, for garnish)


  1. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).
  2. Season the flounder fillets with salt and pepper on both sides.
  3. In a large skillet, melt the butter and olive oil over medium heat.
  4. Add the chopped onion and minced garlic to the skillet and sauté until fragrant and translucent.
  5. Add the sliced mushrooms to the skillet and cook until they release their moisture and start to brown.
  6. Pour in the white wine and chicken broth, and let the mixture simmer for a few minutes to reduce the liquid slightly.
  7. Place the seasoned flounder fillets in a baking dish and pour the mushroom mixture over them.
  8. Squeeze the lemon juice over the fillets.
  9. Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil and bake in the preheated oven for about 15-20 minutes, or until the fish is cooked through and flakes easily with a fork.
  10. Remove the foil and broil for an additional 2-3 minutes to lightly brown the top.
  11. Garnish with freshly chopped parsley and serve hot.

This flounder with mushrooms dish pairs well with a side of steamed vegetables or a fresh green salad. It's a versatile recipe that you can customize to your liking by adding herbs or spices of your choice. The combination of flounder and mushrooms creates a harmonious blend of flavors that will impress your family and guests. Give this recipe a try and enjoy a homemade meal that's both tasty and nutritious!

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Homemade dish Flounder with mushrooms